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Peanut Butter Cream Cookies

Peanut Butter Cream Cookies

100% natural, highly nutritious product that combines perfectly with a healthy lifestyle: the new Beverly Nutrition Peanut Cream.

100% natural, highly nutritious product that combines perfectly with a healthy lifestyle: the new Beverly Nutrition Peanut Cream.

This peanut butter is a very important source of vegetable proteins, which as we know contribute to the increase and maintenance of muscle mass, whose ingredients, unlike other creams on the market, are only 100% roasted peanuts, without palm oil, without salt or added sugars, without any additives, preservatives or trans fats; only top quality peanuts that provide a large amount of essential vitamins and minerals. It contains Magnesium, which helps to reduce fatigue, Phosphorus, which contributes to strong bones and teeth, Vitamin E, which as we know is called the “fountain of youth”, as it protects us from free radicals, and a significant amount of fibre, making it ideal for any type of diet, whether for weight loss, maintenance or muscle mass gain.

If we focus on its nutritional value, 100 g of Beverly Nutrition peanut butter provides 24.2 g of protein, 15.9 g of carbohydrates (naturally present in the food), about 44 g of fat (mostly unsaturated (mono and polyunsaturated), 8.5 g of fibre and also emphasize the contribution of phosphorus (410 mg) and magnesium (150 mg).

And how can we eat this delicacy?  In many ways! At any time of the day as a nutritional intake, as an ingredient in delicious “fitness” recipes such as oatmeal sponge cakes, biscuits, energy bars, nougat, cakes, spread on rice or oat pancakes, in fruit, or even mixed with the protein shake pre and post workout, try it and tell us!

Contains no palm oil

Contains no salt or added sugars

Contains no additives of any kind

Contains no preservatives or trans fats

Pack of: 350 gr.

Remember that our products are a food supplement and must never substitute a varied and balanced diet. They are only presented in order to complement the consumption of nutrients in a normal diet. They do not treat, prevent, diagnose or cure any illness.